Donate it, don’t dump it! That’s the message from our charity of the month, Free Food Sandown, a charity that collects end of day food from supermarkets and gives it away for free at Sandown train station, and also now at Lesley’s Nutshell in Ventnor. They also supply boxes to the elderly and needy plus people who are currently shielding due to Covid-19.
At the moment they are feeding over 100 people through the train station in Sandown, and another 50 in Ventnor. In practice, this number is probably much higher if you consider people picking up for neighbours, and families that have two or three children. This is happening every day except Sundays. The numbers have increased dramatically during the coronavirus pandemic.
A fantastic total of 3692km means we have exceeded our challenge target and a £200 donation will be made. This will be also topped with a £40 from a lady in Sandown (who wishes to remain anonymous) who wanted to contribute because she couldn’t take part herself. The donation will be used to buy fresh fruit and veg and some extra tinned and packet foods for when the charity runs out.