Newport to Carisbrooke

Newport to Carisbrooke

A mixture of quiet residential roads and traffic free tarmacked shared paths. Some of the paths are narrow in places and can be busy during the school run on the sections near Carisbrooke CE Primary School, Christ the King College and Newport CE Primary School, so be mindful of other path users. Ensure you cycle the correct way along the one-way streets of Lugley Street (westbound) and Crocker Street (eastbound).

This route is different to other PedalAid routes. Although you can cycle the suggested route by following the line on the map, PedalAid will also track your rides on the plethora of additional short cycle paths and tracks found within this area.

Distance: 2.5km (1.57mi) in one direction

Time:   8 – 14 minutes (in one direction)

Elevation: mostly flat

Terrain: tarmacked shared paths, quiet streets